About one third of the country has supported national team online during the last qualifiers window

The qualifying game for the European Men’s Basketball Championship, broadcast on TV3 on the 20th and 22nd of February, in which Lithuanians played against the Czech Republic and Denmark, was viewed by almost 900,000 people. This is a third of the Lithuanian population. It was the most watched sports broadcast in 2021.

„Through the sweat, blood and tears. That is the perfect quote to explain this qualifying tournament for Lithuania. Compatriots gave us the best support through the TV screens they could. It is obvious that Lithuanians’ love for basketball is immeasurable. And this is clearly shown by the TV ratings. It would probably be difficult to find another TV program that would attract a third of Lithuania to the screens. As a media group, we sincerely support this love of our compatriots and will continue to provide the most important broadcasts of basketball games”, – said Arvydas Rimas, TV3 Creative Director.

Due to the global pandemic, the game took place without spectators in the arena, but fans could watch the match and support our team virtually – by joining a specially organised virtual fan room in the Zoom platform. This time, not only Lithuanians, but also Czechs had a chance to join.

„We are glad that the qualifying tournament organised for the second time in Vilnius was successful. Yes, everyone was worried, us, the players and the fans. They proved once again that they love basketball very much and actively support the national team. Both at the TV screens and in the virtual fan zone. This time we again received very active support from fans, more than 4,000 Lithuanian fans joined virtual zoom room. Fans from abroad have also watched the game – the Czech national team was supported by about a thousand fans through the online platform”, – said LKF Secretary General Mindaugas Špokas.

Another important basketball game is scheduled for June, when Lithuania will play in the Tokyo 2021 Olympics qualifiers tournament. This tournament, like the Olympic Games themselves, will also be broadcasted on TV3.

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