Lithuanian esports basketball team missed on the playoffs

The Lithuanian esports basketball team has been knocked out from playoff participation at the European Sports Basketball Championship. In the decisive match, for the playoff spot the Lithuanians 34:46 (9:11, 9: 9, 7:11, 9:15) lost to the Italian national team.

In order to make it to the playoffs, Lithuanians needed a victory by 13 points or more.

Ignas Vaitiekus, who scored 13 points, was one of the team’s leaders. Edvinas Jurevičius and Svajūnas Tamašauskas added 6 points each.

On the first day of the competition, the Lithuanians beat Croatia with the result 58:50 (11:17, 15:13, 17: 9, 15:11) but lost the second game to British national team by quite a margin, 37:59 (13:16, 4: 6, 11:17, 9: 20).

Italy and the United Kingdom national teams have secured first two places in the group and advanced to the next stage of the competition. The European champions will be announced late Sunday evening.


    • Ignas Vaitiekus, (Professxr-);
    • Svajūnas Tamašauskas, (Svai2ka);
    • Arminas Kotas, (Lt-Kotass);
    • Šarūnas Petkevičius, (|-Shroomz-|);
    • Edvinas Jurevičius, (Ikonitas);
    • Deividas Grigė, (GrigeOPA);
    • Arūnas Pauza, (iOnlyGetWhites-).

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